Monday, March 20, 2006

TLE Due Dates

The TLE lesson Classifying Angles is Due Friday by 12pm. If you have not yet finished this TLE Lesson remember that the computers in my room are open for use before and after school.

The lesson on Angles and Parallel Lines 1 will be due after our next session in the computer lab. (Which should be the week after springbreak.)

Mr. R

This does not include the TLE worksheet, only the computer portion for Angles. My appologies for any confusion

Français/French Deutsch/German Italiano/Italian Português/Portuguese Español/Spanish 日本語/Japanese 한국어/Korean 中文(简体)/Chinese Simplified Tagalog/Filipino

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Loss of use

A select individuals have abused the chatbox feature on our blogs. Therefore I have no choice but to at least temporarily remove the chatbox from the blogs. If the individuals responsible for the inappropriate comments come forward and discuss this issue with me I will be able to return the chatbox to your blog.

Unfortunatly I cannot tolorate comments such as those that had been left in the chatbox. Any further comments such as these in class or on the blog will be sent to the administration and your parents will be contacted.

Remember that comments that you leave on a blog now remain on the net in some form forever, therefore what we may percieve as a joke right now, might come back to haunt us in the future.

Mr. Reece

Français/French Deutsch/German Italiano/Italian Português/Portuguese Español/Spanish 日本語/Japanese 한국어/Korean 中文(简体)/Chinese Simplified Tagalog/Filipino

Proper profiles

I am requesting that anyone who has any form of personal information in their user profile to remove it immediatly. If your nickname contains personal information I suggest that you change it as well.

Personal information includes
Last name
Phone number
Names of brothers/sisters/parents

Any other information that identifies you beyond your screen name or first name.

I do not want to have to remove you as a contributer from the blog, but I will be forced to in order to protect you if you cannot act in a safe manner on the blog.

Mr. R

Français/French Deutsch/German Italiano/Italian Português/Portuguese Español/Spanish 日本語/Japanese 한국어/Korean 中文(简体)/Chinese Simplified Tagalog/Filipino

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

first we checked homework .. which was page 10.4 and 10.5 ..
then we reviewed some questions on page 10.5

QUESTION 5 page 10.5
one way to find out the oppsite angle is to take 180 (straight angle) and subtract the other angle
for example:
180 - 66 = 114 and then that would be the other side.
if angle X is 114 then the angle right across which is angle Z would be 114 aswell.

QUESTION 10 page 10.5

exactly the same.
if the angle right across from 90 degrees then the oppsite side would be 90 degrees too.

QUESTION 12 page 10.5

if you find out one side and you find out one of the angles are 180 degrees or 90 degrees then you can figure out all the angles in the supplementry angles.

Then we reviewed the alternate angles. Alternate angles are the interior angles on the oppsite side of the transversal angle.

the alternate angle and the oppsite angle can be confusing. You can mistake on for another.

Then we reviewed the transversal angle ..

We had a in class assiment where we had to find ..
3 oppsite angles
and 3 alternate angles.

Then we started a new lesson about triangles.

First we did a web about triangles. And we had to write everything we know about triangles. For example: you could just draw a triangle, or you could have said it was a shape, or you could have said how many sides they have.

Then we had to figure out how many angles a triangle has. BUT the reflex angles dont count so there is only 3 angles for 3 sides.

THAT WAS ALL THE STUFF WE DID TODAY -- sorry there is no pictures =(

The next scribe will be APRIL TORRALBA !!

Français/French Deutsch/German Italiano/Italian Português/Portuguese Español/Spanish 日本語/Japanese 한국어/Korean 中文(简体)/Chinese Simplified Tagalog/Filipino

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Percent Models

Remember that the percent dolls booklet and the model itself are due Thursday in class. You will be evaluated on both the booklet and your model. You need to make sure that all members of your group are written on the last page of your book, and that you have identified your model as belonging to your group.

Mr. R

Français/French Deutsch/German Italiano/Italian Português/Portuguese Español/Spanish 日本語/Japanese 한국어/Korean 中文(简体)/Chinese Simplified Tagalog/Filipino